Here is a post for those who are hurting from the growing pains of the teenage years. I would like to take the time to say that this is not a lecture. This is merely a journal entry I wrote that I wish to share with my friends, one that I hope will help them as it has helped me...
Very often lately many friends of mine (who shall all remain nameless), all teenagers, have expressed struggles or uncertainties to me. I can completely relate. I have growing pains as well. I feel urged by the Holy Spirit to share some things God has revealed to me.
Some of the growing pains my fellow teenagers have expressed are: struggling with school, beauty, confidence, friends, change, uncertainty in life, uncertainty in their relationship with God. All of these are completely understandable, reasonable, and fully respected. As much as I have tried to change it, I have found that these topics are unavoidable in being a teenager.
At this time in your life, you are trying to tangle through the life thrown at you, trying to figure things out. Things such as how you plan on spending the rest of your life, what kind of person you want to be, what your morals, beliefs and opinions are (not what other people want you to think – and hopefully not being swayed). It's hard to mold who you want to be all by yourself. But what you do and who you turn too (Jesus) can make a world of a difference. You don’t need any one who makes you feel bad about yourself in your life. Don’t feel like you need to adapt who you are to someone else to have a friend. I promise you now that you will always have Jesus and I.
Change. I'll admit right here and now that I don't like change. And unfortunately, I know dear ones who are wrestling with in currently. A friend of mine was telling me of how she was struggling with moving. She's starting high school next year, so you can say this change is hitting her hard. The only words I could find were these: "I'm sorry this is hard for you. But it will work out. When God doesn't give you a choice in life, its only because He's pushing you is a direction that is best for you, sweetheart. Just let go and let Him lead you." If God closes a door, leaving only one open (a door not looking too friendly), it's obviously the only path He wants for you. He's pushing you through it, only out of love. It can hurt, but the pain lessens once you accept His perfect Love and try to find the blessings He is so desperately trying to give you.
A LOT of teenagers I know are contelmplating what they want to do for a living when they get older. Is that what I believe a teenager's main focus should be? No. I know I'M trying to be a kid as long as possible. Although, it is a thought that burdens myself as well. But, I know exactly what you are created to do: live for God. I promise you, to worship and share His Love is the reason He puts air in your lungs. And it's something that you can begin to do RIGHT NOW. Also, in doing so, in keeping your heart fixed on Jesus' face, He will lead you through the wilderness and to where you are supposed to be in this world. Open a Bible, don't be afraid to tell someone of their inheritance to His Kindgom, and walk by faith. You will find a peace that passes understanding.
Now, onto another struggle of the human teenager: outer appearances. I know that how you see yourself is sometimes hard, and that we don’t always like what we see. However, that is how you were chosen to be made. God made you exactly how you are for a purpose. We all know that He does not make mistakes and that He wouldn’t chose to make you other than something He would find beautiful. Can there not be comfort found in that? The Lord made you, and He is prideful in His handiwork...
Maybe, just maybe it would help to stop comparing yourself to what this world (a world of sinners, mind you) has classified as “beautiful”. You are not any less beautiful because your hips and your chest aren’t the same size as Hannah Montana’s. You don’t need to wear the clothes that “everyone” is wearing to be gorgeous. Take a look at yourself, remembering that you were made by a Father who loves you irrevocably. Now, I want you to name at least 3 things that you love about yourself as a person and then 3 things that you love about your appearance. I know for some (you, God and I know who you are) it might be more difficult, but it’s a step I urge and challenge you to take.
I pray that if you are going through anything at all, this may help you through whatever you are going through. May God bless you and your teenage self!
Thanks Liz! You truely have wisdom beyond your years! This is so helpful to me, especially at this transition in my life, love you
aw, thanks hannah! I love being able to help you!!
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