First up, Josh Wilson. Josh was amazing, I love his songs even more after hearing them live. He sang his song "Savior Please" and a few others. Britt Nicole backed him up on vocals. It was great to see him and learn more about him. He's a wonderful worship leader.

Next, was Sarah Reeves. Oh, how I already loved Sarah Reeves. Her songs are always poetic and she is a fabulous pianist. Worshipping God with her was a lovely experience. She talked about worshipping as not only going to church on Sundays or singing a song, but as a
lifestyle. Then sang her first single "Sweet Sweet Sound", always been one of my favorites. I want that. I want to worship Him in the way I live my life! In the way I approach people, in the way I pray, in the heart that I have, in the way that I live the daily happenings of my life. I'm praying that the Lord will help me to do so. Sarah played her song "Come Save" to end her leading worship, and of course it was spectacular...

Micheal, member of the band Above the Golden State, was up next. He is a great musician and was a great entertainer/worship leader. While he sang their song "At The Sound of Your Name" he let us be a part of his music, everyone was dancing and clapping. It was awesome worshipping God with a great crowd.

Danyew, the newest artist of the group, took the mic. I was really surprised at his great talent and enjoyed hearing his story of how he left college to play music -- how he let everything go to follow the Will of God. He sang his songs "Streetlight" and "Beautiful King". His 'performance' was a great reminder of how God can be surprising, but we benefit from only thinking that He knows what He is doing, He is the God and we will end up happy to obey.

Finally, was Britt Nicole. I didn't always think so much of her, thinking that her music was too 'pop'-y and aimed toward the younger youth.
But. I. Love. Her. Even when she wasn't taking the stage, her love to praise Him was beautiful. She and her music were both so fun! The next moment, I was crying, so touched by her heart, music, and lyrics. I want to be her close friend, not just because she's famous. I want to be her friend because I love her evident love for God and I want to have that. I want a people like Britt Nicole in my life. I had been struggling with not feeling too close to God, wishing He was more center in my life. Seeing Britt and her faith completely renewed me. I was crying -- it was pathetic. She saw me crying and pointed to me (or so it appeared). She re-ignited the fire in my bones with her songs "Set the World on Fire", "That's How We Roll", and "The Lost Get Found".

At the end all the artists came together and sang "Heart of Worship", which was just beautiful...

After the concert we got to meet all of them!! I got a Sarah Reeves t-shirt, Harry a Danyew CD, autographs, and pictures!! It was amazing. I told Britt Nicole how the kids at TA looves her music. And told Sarah Reeves of how I adore and aspire to her piano skills. The guys were cool to talk to as well.

I'm praying that the Lord would seal the words He spoke to me at the concert in my heart, I never want to forget.
What a great post yet again Liz. It was a great night--so glad that we went. Love you!
that must have been such a special experience being so close to gods music! :) glad you had a memorable night
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