i can't wait! i can't wait to hear their small - yet powerful voices yelling "Leesabet! Leesabet!" i can't wait to have Mia on my hip and walk up the stairs & then down the stairs according to her directions. i can't wait to have Woody run into me whenever i step foot into the nursery. i can't wait to hold (baby) Daniel as he sleeps. i can't wait to sit next to Steven as he plays the piano. i can't wait to see Fritz's huge smile through my camera. i can't wait to have Matu on my lap. i can't wait to hold Spendy's face in my hands. i can't wait to follow Shakira around in circles outside while wondering if she really has a specific place in mind of where she is headed. i can't wait to watch Bethany "shake it" when ever the nannies are singing. i can't wait to see Belle lovingly interact with the babies. i can't wait to have Peterson hold not only my hand but my whole arm. i can't wait to love on Tyler. i can't wait to watch Jonas' cartwheels. and i can't wait to for everything else those kids have to offer me.
Oooo I am so excited for you! You can't wait for Haiti in the same way I can't wait for the Dominican. How many days is the trip?
Lizzie...I so can't wait for you to go & love on the kids again. I think you will be pleasantly surprised in some of the changes you see in Shakira. She has really improved on a lot of things since July. Her walking up & down steps is much, much better. She is still joyful but more "thoughtful" of what is going on around her. She is starting potty training, talking more, & using utensils properly when directed to do so. She put a simple shape puzzle & did a stacking toy all by herself. You should have seen her when I took her with me to the Baptist Mission. She did great!!! She loves hotdogs & french fries! And of course, Samara & Caleb are adorable as usual :o) Caleb has gotten so big!
I can't wait to see pictures & hear stories from your trip!
Lizzie, I never thought I would want to go back after my last trip, But I often find myself longing for exactly what you are saying. Praying you wait is short!
Ohhhh...please love on Jonas for me! Oh how I miss his cartwheels too!
"and walk up the stairs & then down the stairs according to her directions." ha!! yes!! this is soooo what they do! and of course, what else can we do but willingly go EVERY where they point? :) and even look forward to it....
ahhhhh....(that was more of a sighing "ah" not a screaming "ah") i so can't wait...
great descriptions! have a wonderful time! i'm ever so jealous!!
I love your perfect descriptions of the kids. It shows you really know them and love them. I can't wait for you to be reunited with them.
You're doing a great thing. Thanks for stopping by my blog.
okay, lizzie....i know you're birthday is somewhere around right now...but i can't remember when!! i thought i remembered seeing the date somewhere...but i've looking through old post and can't find it. so now comes the point where i have to admit that i don't know when your birthday is and ask when it is. :)
humm...well, i guess since you-you said "happy birthday" today...today would be a good guess...
nikki- the trip is 5 days. i love knowing that others love third-world countries!! have you raisesd enough money, yet??
megan- my birthdasy is january 5. :)
Kathy- praise the Lord! shakira is a miracle working right in front of our eyes!! i have always had faith in her... & God!!
ADOPTIVE PARENTS- i PROMISE i will love on every single child!! i promise, promise!!! thanks for everything!
darn it, i missed it! well, i hope you had a wonderful birthday!!!
I agree with you Lizzie! And thanks for loving & loving on all of our children! You are so awesome!!! :o)
i loooooooovvvvvvveeeee the picture and i wish i could go soooooo bad i remember everything you explaind it maid me cry.
I'm Shanley's mom...and Mama Spendy. I've had fun looking at your blog. I hope we end up down at the O together someday. Keep looking up and keep moving towards the vision that God is forming in you. I look forward to hearing how you will be used over the years as an instrument in His hand.
Oh, how my heart longs to be walking in that nursery door with you!!!
P.S. Praise God for Shakira's developments!! I now God has great things for that little girl!!
Peterson DOES grab your whole arm, doesn't he? I didn't even think about it til you mentioned it, but now I remember it clearly. Thank you for giving me another little thing to love and miss! I am so glad you're getting to go on this trip. I can't wait for you to be back with pictures and details.
I am glad I thought to read these comments- I didn't notice the message you left me! The trip is $3400 and I have raised about $1700. I am THRILLED though... I never thought I would raise that much. So with that, a few more fundraising plans, and money from my job, I am set! Right now though, I am just excited for you! I can't wait to read all about it. Do you have internet there or will we have to wait until you get home?
I love your count down : )
Hi Lizzie-My anme is Kathy and I'm adopting from Haiti--http://ourhaitianadoption.blogspot.com/ I am also a freelance writer and I am writing an article about the benefits of teens doing volunteer work. I would like to ask you some questions for my article if it's okay with both you and your parents. My e-mail is kathycassel@comcast.net
Hi Lizzie- I nominated you for an award on my blog! Go check it out :)
thanks so much, Nikki!!
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