Now, i get the honor to pass the award along to 5 other bloggers that i think are blogging for a purpose.
Cara B: Just last month Cara returned from meeting her new daughter, Rebecca, in Haiti. Her love for this country, for her daughter, and for all the other kids at Three Angels is a love i wish more people would show. This love is bigger & rises above her fears of adoption. But bigger of these things are her Faith. She realizes that God will never forsake her, and she took a leap of faith for the sake of one child.
Hope & Rob: Last July Hope & Rob asked little Caleb & Isabel if they could become they're new (adoptive) parents, and they said 'Yes'! Unfortunately their adoption has found complications, like most do. The Krotzers' adoption isn't going anywhere fast, but Hope & Rob are keeping their faith. At this point most would be letting go of their faith, but they are holding on tighter. They have not stopped their adoption and don't plan to, because God has showed them that Caleb & Izzy are their children, and thats enough for Hope & Rob.
Megan Haug: Megan, too, has developed an amazing love for Haiti, and her faith and love for God stands out. She realizes that she is a "stumbling fool" where as God is the Almighty One. She enjoys studying God's word. In almost every single one of her posts Megan turns back to God one way or another, and i pray more would.
You-you: Angela (you-you) took the job as the house manger at Three Angels almost 2 years ago. Over that period of time she has loved on & cared for the children at TA as they wait for their forever families. She left her home in the US to live in a third world country and to give her life and time to orphans of Haiti. Now she has returned to her home in the states and is waiting for the new addition to her forever family.
Kathy: Kathy is adopting 3 children for Three Angels. Along with adopting baby Caleb (a different Caleb) and Sarama, she is adopting 5 year old Shakira, who has disabilities. Before the 3 can even get home Kathy is changing their lives! Shakira is beginning to walk on stairs better, talk more, starting to potty train, use utensils, and "is more thoughtful of what is going on around her". This wouldn't be the case if it wasn't for Randy & Kathy.
Congrats Lizzie! You definetely deserve this award. I am humbled that you chose me as one of your five. Thank you...I can do nothing without Christ!
Hey, I just did a post about Haiti. Check it out. You probably have a lot more personal info.
Congrats, Lizzie!
yes, lizzie, you definitely deserved this!!! i'm constantly checking your blog to see if there's a new post up!! you have an amazing heart and it shines through in every single post!
i too am humbled that you would choose me. and if my blog has served any purpose, i do hope that it would always point to Christ!!
Aw! Thanks Lizzie! I cannot tell you how glad I am to be a part of Three Angels. Through Three Angels I met my daughter, formed an undying love for the people of Haiti, fell in love with all the kids at the O, met the most incredible families adopting from Three Angels, and I have the privilege of knowing you! God has blessed my leap of Faith in ways that I could never have imagined!
I'm so excited to get the chance to know you now, at this specific age in your life. I can't wait to watch how God unfolds His unbelievable plan for your life. We'll all sit back and watch in awe as He uses you to change this world for Him!
Thanks, Lizzie!
Love, Cara
Fist of all, you do deserve this award, Lizzie! Three cheers for you for being so open with your faith!
I received this same award a few months back and I ended up refusing it because I could not choose just 5 others to give it to, as the "rules" required. There are so many families out there with amazing adoption stories, not to mention everyday people whose blogs inspire and encourage me... I just couldn't begin to pick!
I do however, think all of your choices are excellent!
That was the hardedst thing to do, to chose 5!! i could thing of 25 right of the top of my head!!
Thanks guys!! SO much!!
wow! lizzie thanks so much! i'm not sure my blog deserves such status!! i'm sorry, i didn't see this. i was at my grandmother's house and without my computer so i didn't check in too much!
congratulations! that's quite a goal! keep seeking Christ above all else, lizzie! He is your rock!!
thanks you-you! i definatly think -know you deserve this!!
Wow Lizzie! You're so awesome! To have such great faith at your age is wonderful... and not just faith alone, but also spiritual knowledge and drive. You DO deserve this award. Thank you for for also choosing our blog, just like everyone else, I'm humbled as it's just a reflection of our day to day ramblings. But we do THANK you so much!
you are VERY welcome!! :)
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