Well, You-you left & i find myself bored. We had a great time. She wanted to get a lot of things done like
pedicure, black & brown shoe shopping, catching the latest movies & stuff. We saw Pirates of the Caribbean 3, had pool time, & well girl time. We drove all over town just to see that movie! But we had a good time.
Hey You-you! Hope you had a good trip back! Tomorrow i am getting the hair product for curly hair. I am excited about it! I kinda missed my curly hair! Say "HI" to all of the kids & Jimmy & Junior for me! (Please no comments on my "dead" look in that picture!)
woa! watch out for that guy!
liz, thanks for a fun time and for giving up your bed and your room for me! i was so spoiled by your family! thanks for everything! i'll see you in two weeks or so!
That's a great picture! It sounds like you had a very good time with her.
I'm not excatly sure what that guy said but listen to you-you :o)
(i deleted the freaky comment, guys) & as you found out changed the blog address)
Well it was no problem You-you! I apprciate you concerns! (if thats how you spell it)
Yeah, it took me awhile to find you again.
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