Here is what i wrote to Jen:
Hey Jen! I need Junior answers! I kept on trying to post something on Junior but I have been out of the the "Loop" and don't know his current condition! I also got an email from Junior asking how I was... WHAT?! How i was ! I'm here freaking out about him and he asks me how i was! But I replied say i was doing great & asked how he was doing. Also the Lord hasn't been answering me! I have been praying & praying & usually i don't get direct answers from Him but was kinda hopin' for one!Love you tons!
(i would love you even more if you gave me an update! OK- so maybe not... but i won't hate you if you don't tell me anything! :P)
Lizzie... thanks
The first thing Jen wrote back to me was: RELAX....my niece! Then she wrote that he was doing better but he had heartburn. (Basically what i wrote up at the top of my post!)
I own God big time for this one!
Praising God for Junior's recovery!!
I haven't been on the computer for days, so I was glad to hear Jr is doing better. I have been praying!
God is great!! So glad to hear that Junior is doing better.
Praise God!!! I'm so glad that he's doing better!
Great news!!! God is awesome!
Thanks for the update! Before I JUST got on your blog I was thinking that one of us needed to do a praise God blog!! We need to not only call on Him in times of need, but also give Him the praise due!!!I love this picture of Junior by the way. That was a little bubble blowing machine that I brought... I was amazed at Juniors gentle nature as he organized the the kids and helped them to take turns using it. He will be a great papa some day!
WE thank you Lord for the miraculous!!!!!!!
Lizzie when I had herd junior was sick I cried and cried because I was afraid he would get sicker and end up dying.I was scared I was going to lose someone who I love so much.Lizzie when I read your blog I cried because I prayed he would be healed.I was so worried that I was misrable.I'm glad you posted that. thank,you!
It is noproblem Jessica!
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