I've never been good at "choosing joy" when something crummy is going on inside of me. I'm not wired that way. (You should see when my mom [whom I love dearly] tells me to "just choose joy!" while I'm PMSing and unhappy. She says it all perky like. It makes me want to hit something. I don't advise being around at such a moment.)
My lovely friend, Sary (whom I miss unbelievably), posted this on Facebook the other day: "Thoughts come before feelings which come before actions. Control your thoughts and you control your actions." At first I blew it off. I have heard something like this before. But three hours later, I felt nudged to write "T,F,A" (thoughts, feelings, actions) on my mirror.
Something I love about this is that, I'm still not choosing joy. Yes, I have a constant underlining joy, but I'm not faking being happy just because people like me better when I'm chipper. I'm controlling my thoughts, therefor how I live my life. And, let me tell you, today I've been living my life a lot happier.
Things that I controlled my thoughts, feelings and actions about, making my day brighter:
~Getting the dishes and math homework done before 10 AM this morning, ridding it of my Tuesday.
~Being almost done figuring out the chords to a song on the piano I'll be doing for Christmas.
~Getting very positive feedback from my cello teacher.
~Discovering I got a B+ on my social psychology test!
~When my God answered my prayers. (He'll answer yours, too.)
~Writing my public speaking speech in a few hours, getting it done two days before I needed to!
~Being drenched in rain.
~Learning about roses from a fellow classmate.
~Changing my negative thoughts about missing an important event to positive thoughts.
~Getting new music.
Wow, Elizabeth I for one have noticed that you haven't written much lately. I'm glad to hear that you are working on getting you thoughts under control :). Did my heart good to see the math comment too :). See you later
I love reading your thoughts, and I always notice when you're quiet. I try to stay positive, too, and sometimes it's just plain hard to do. It's especially hard at certain times of the month. Meh.
I love you, Lissie. I appreciate your wisdom and your words and your wit. Mostly your realness. (((HUG)))
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