...you should totally come stay with my momma with you're healing.

There are three things that I assured myself that I could not ever handle:
1) Rollercoasters
2) Bad guys (the really bad kind)
& 3) Surgery
Yesterday, through the strength of God & squeezing the daylights out of Mom's hand, I survived #3. I almost died, guys. You have no idea.
OK.. so, maybe I wasn't that close to leaving this world. Maybe I'm being a tad dramatic. Long story short, there was something on my leg, they opened it, drained it, and here we are.
Since then, my momma's been great. She held the trash can while I threw up at the doctor's office, made sure I didn't faint in the bathroom, got me chocolate chip muffins, brought me more yummy stuff, and looked at the "wound" today while I was afraid to.
...But, if anyone asks, I almost died.
(photo weheartit.com)
Well I am glad that you lived so you could tell us about this!!!
Shew! Glad you didn't die! I would've been quite put out.
Whew! Close one, Lizzie!
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