Madi is a life-loving spirit who love Jesus immensely. She likes to make people laugh, refuses to be girlie, dislikes the color pink with a raging passion, and is an awesome hugger. I adore when she lets her strong exterior become transparent and loves in a heart-melting fashion.
Her life is full of music, and it plays out beautifully through her. She made a drum set out of plastic boxes and hard-cover books today, playing them quite convincingly. Her guitar is a popular subject of conversation when we're together, and she has a beautiful singing voice (although she doesn't sing for people, unfortunately).
Whenever I daydream about having a daughter someday, I used to dream of a beautiful girl who would wear a pink tu-tu with every outfit. Now, thanks to lovely Madi, I also think of a gorgeous girl in a baseball tee with wild bobbed hair, banging boxes with drum sticks.