I've been missing that piece of my heart that I left in Haiti 7 years ago. Usually I have an idea of when I go back, and at the moment, I have no idea. The fact that I haven't been back since the earthquake is bothering me more and more. Homesick-ness is taking over me.
I'm not complaining about my life here, because I have a great one. I'm never bored, have great friends, a great church, and I'm thankful that I get to feel like I'm serving God every now and again. However, it when I see things like these...

...they bring both sorrow and comfort. I stand firm in the truth that God isn't finished with me in Haiti yet. I pray he never will be.
The periods of time away from Haiti are used to teach me a lot. The most important thing I've learned is that the greatest thing I can do is to never be silent about what I've seen, what I've heard, what I've felt. It's been 7 years since that plane brought me to that tarmac in Port-au-Prince for the first time. And after seeing what I saw, no one could keep silent.

I'll be home soon.
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