On Friday, I met up with my youth group for a staytreat (a retreat for a group on a budget). It was splendid, and I'm glad we didn't retreat to any where. I liked staying in "our home." We played games, ate food, bonded, and there were water balloons involved. Also, we talked about the legacy we could/will leave after we leave ourselves. We can leave this legacy simply by living fully for Jesus. Fully, desiring to please only, only Him. By doing this, we're also living for each other, "just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many" (Matthew 20:28).

After talking about leaving this legacy and read in the Word of when Jesus washed His disciple's feet, we were asked who wanted to be a servant in the same way Jesus was, if we wanted to wash someone's feet out of love. Everyone in the room stood. We found a partner, after praying that the Lord would lead us to whom He wanted us to cleanse. Honestly, at first I didn't think much of it. I thought it was wonderful that we were following Jesus' actions. But as I sat down in a chair with a basin of water next to my feet... as my friend Katie prayed over me, I began to cry. I still don't fully understand why.

I can only certainly say two things: 1) Having your feet washed by someone in the name of Jesus, out of love is the most humbling experience. 2) I praised God for the opportunity to clean someone's feet. I wanted to clean feet. I wanted to be on my knees, serving. I felt selfish, but I wanted to give someone clean feet. I wanted to clean someone with love as Jesus did. I suddenly loved every single one of those kids in the room, and I wanted to show them how much they meant to me.
Maybe it was because we had spent a whole weekend together. Maybe it was because God was in that place. I believe it was both that brought us together -- as a group, as a family, brothers and sisters in Christ.

"Having loved his own who were in the world, he now showed them the full extent of his love." (John 13:1) "He poured water into a basin and began to wash his disciples' feet, drying them with the towel that was wrapped around him." (John 13:5)
(photos from weheartit.com)
1 comment:
glad you had a good time at the retreat. sounds like it was an awesome experience.
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