I have come to find that ghosts, witches, werewolves, and vampires (with the exception of those in Twilight(; ) don't excite me anymore. I no longer plan out my costume before August. I feel no need to carve a pumpkin. My nagging to decorate the house has come to an end. Scary movies are a bore.
Yes, I was one of those abnormal little girls who loved Halloween and everything about it. I don't anymore. I admit, it was nice making paper bats and skeletons with my kindergartners today, and I loved hearing all about what each one of them are doing to dress up as. Honestly though, I'm enthusiastic anymore...
However! Upon watching the commercial for Disney's Christmas Carol (which is, like, the third version they have done), I realized something: I still love Christ-mas as much I did when I was a little girl. My love has never wavered for Jesus' birthday. I still love the ever green trees, the lights, nativity sets, the church services and functions, and the music! Oh, how I love me some Christ-mas carols! I love the lady standing outside of the grocery store for the Salvation Army and being able to drop change into the hanging tin. Saying "Merry Christ-mas!" rather than "Happy Holidays" in public is always so much fun!
Halloween... is, well... to put nicely, not of God. I loved the modern day changes that softens the edges of its... non-Godly-ness. It fun. But dangerous.
I remember, it was a few days before Halloween when we still lived in California, my good friend Maddie asked me, "Do you celebrate Halloween? My family doesn't."
I was baffled. "You do celebrate Halloween. We just mapped out our trick-or-treating route."
"No! I don't really. I don't worship bad things and stuff."
That's when I realized that Halloween isn't all candy and warlocks. It has a deeper, historical meaning and is potentially dangerous. Today, I don't see Halloween so evil -- that is if you do it right, as long as it's lighthearted and certain precautions are met.

It's crazy how God works and weaves little loves into our hearts. Christ-mas is of God. It's his human birth into our world of flesh! And I love it! God is forever and always - like when I was a little girl and is in my life now. That is why I love it so much, and I always will.
Well, time to dig out those Christ-mas decorations. (;
I'm not a fan of halloween. But Christmas....now that I love!!
Have a great day!!
Personally, I'm glad it's over. I'm tired of explaining "why we don't do that" to others. EVERYONE asked us what the boys dressed up as this year- from the lady at Chick-Fil-A to friends and family members. It just feels weird to us- death and tombstones and whatnot... I don't see death as something to celebrate. Christ overcame death! That, I can rejoice in, with a loud pronouncement of "Happy Reformation Day!" on Oct 31!
humm... you put me in the mood for some Christmas music...
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