another thing that i noticed, was something i noticed since i met him. and that is the rare way he begs to be held. he shows this want differently than all the other kids. he won't hold a grudge like alixson, but that doesn't mean that he wants to be held any less. like i said that last time i blogged about daniel, you can feel appreciation from this baby when you hold him. he's content when you hold him and doesn't always whine when you put him down. That makes holding him all the merrier!!
oh Lizzie, Thanks for that sweet post about my boy! I LOVED to hold him! I agree, that he has thinned out a ton! He is just so cute, and I long for the day I get to hold him agian! It feels so right to have him in my arms, just like when my other children were placed in my arms, just perfect!
He is adorable!!
Sweet Isaiah Daniel! I can't wait until he gets to come home to his Mama & Papa, & I can go over to their house & spoil him! :o)
Yes you can Kathy!!!
he is such a sweet, handsome kid!! and he has definitely been doing a lot of growing up!!
that day is coming soon, Sarah!!
Well, only because I have to!!! :o)
Are you trying to make me jealous again, Miss Kathy? :)
No Lizzie. You are welcome to come visit all of us anytime...or you could just move up here :o)
actually, moving there has crossed my mind. i haven't sold my mom on the weather but, i'll have to move out sooner or later. (my mom would choose later). :)
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