I’m sorry but I really don’t like Valentine’s Day. Why do you need a special, dedicated day to love if you already have 365 days to do so? Well, that’s just my headstrong, stubborn, rebellious opinion. Honestly, I'm just not that found of it. And it’s one of those national holidays on which we still have to go to school. I don’t know, its just all the pink, flowers, hearts… it was a good idea but when your 13th Valentine’s day comes around its nothing but a provider of nauseating feelings & Advil. I guess I just don’t fully understand its meaning. People have weddings & anniversaries, but can someone tell me why we need another “lovey-dovey” holiday?? Don’t take this the wrong way; I don’t suddenly turn pessimistic on this particular day. Actually, I haven’t even shared my opinion on the holiday before. (This is the first Valentine’s Day that I have a blog to express such opinions). I put on a smile, wear a pink shirt and pray that the day would come to a close in peace & my tolerance level wouldn’t be exploding to an unhealthy high.
However, it is highly entertaining watching all the girls at school making sure they look flawless & beautiful to impress those of the oppisite sex. i can't help but laugh!! Oh you silly, silly girls, i constantly chuckle under my breath. So, its not that i hate Valentine's Day, i just that i enjoy it for all the wrong reasons. :)
Anyway, I really do hope you’ll have a great Happy Valentine’s Day!!
~i got this picture from a book Megan sent my mom about jokes on Bible stories. Thanks Megan!!~
I agree. Commercial holiday, definitely.
P.S. You are down to single digits!!!! 9 days! I still have 141 to go :) so I am definitely wishing I was in your position right now!
I felt that way too Lizzie...until I met my husband :o)
Our schools are closed again tomorrow due to snow & ice & I'm sure that's a relief to a lot of people who are concerned about not getting roses sent to them at school.
I hate the fact that Todd and I have chosen to not get each other things on Valentines day and other people look at me like, "oh so sad for you". Whatever! I don't need Todd to buy me something 2 months after Christmas just to show me he loves me! I told him if he really loved me DON"T spend anymore money! LOL
That's some funny stuff. Thanks for the laugh!!! :)
So, should I take your little valentines gift back??:)
I am going to make brownies for tea as well! One brownie and you will be sold....
It's almost here! My group is going the end of Feb but it overlaps a writer's conference I go to every year so I can't go. Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!1 I really miss my twins. We've been in IBESR for SIX months.
hey, i don't care about V-Day either, can i have a brownie? :)
i agree though, it IS funny (but also sad!) watching the way most girls in middle school (...and high school...) try so hard to impress a guy and act like the world would end if a guy wasn't noticing them. if i could preach any message to middle school girls (and guys), it would be on this. guard your heart, remain pure, and seek CHRIST with your whole heart.
hope you have a wonderful Valentine's Day and enjoyed watching the other girls in school! :)
oh yeah, and i'm glad you guys enjoyed the book!! i thought it made for a good laugh. or at least a smile or two.
But ya gott have chocolate!!
Just kidding.
Hey, check out my new post. You might have read it before because it's from another lady's blog and she said I could use it.
Thanks for the comment :) We have been trying to do gifts like that for every holiday, but especially Valentine's Day. I sponsored a child in his name as well :) I am just as excited about it as he is! But I definitely agree that those gifts are so much more special!!
SEVEN DAYS!!! I am excited for you (obviously) :)
Nikki, thats the first thing i thought when i saw the 2 zeros & the 1 digit number!!!!! i hope the days fly by for you as they have for me!! i'm gonna spend all weekend packing & repacking!! (its a long process).
i'm with you too. i've never cared for valentine's day. or for people calling it 'valentime's' day, either. :)
but i will point out that you have to go to school for st patrick's day.
Five days! Stop by my blog before you go! Sad story this week.
Ok grumpy people!!! =)
Do you honestly not know what velentines day is about!!??? It's a little speculation, but some of it is true I'm sure! There used to be a Roman pagan feast celebrated on February 14th and Christians decided to honor St. Valentine on this day instead. Legend has it he was Martyred on the 14th. Beheaded because he was Marrying couples against the Emporers wishes... the Emp. would not allow young men in his battle line to get married because he felt it was a distraction, but St. Valentine did not believe these young men should live in sin so he would secretly meet these young couples out in the middle of the woods at night and marry them. SO it is a little bit of a Christian holiday. There were actually 5 St. Valentines but only one died on the 14th. All were martyred for standing strong in their beliefs in the Lord... never waivering even when facing death... so Rob and I celebrate... glad that we can openly love each other and praying that we would have that same level of faith. =) Hope that helps you enjoy it a little more!!! God Bless!! =)
Have a great trip! I miss Haiti.
We never feel the need to celebrate Valentine's Day because our marriage is so lovey and we make people sick on most days, but we usually celebrate a bit anyway since it's a bittersweet day for us. I pray you have such a precious marriage one day, Lizzie! I detested this holiday when I was your age- but only because I wanted to be popular and get lots of candy. (but wasn't and didn't) You, on the other hand, have a good, Biblical perspective on things, and I am so encouraged by that!
Thank you, Cara. That really means a lot to me!
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