Last May i started the blogging month out with a post titled: "Troubled". It was how i found out about this little boy of 5 years old that just arrived at the "O" & was having a hard time. He knew instantly that the goal there was to find a White Mama. I prayed about him & asked God to keep this kid happy until i got to Haiti & could love on him. Well, when i got there all the kids came & found someone in the new mission team to play with & to show around. Actually it was Mia who came to me first! But a while later Belle was showing Mia something & this little boy who was starring at me all day came up to me & took my hand. He lead me out side. As we were on our way to the school i stopped him, squatted down, looked him in the eyes, & asked: "Ki gen ou rele?"/"What is your name?". He replied in a faint voice: "Richecard". And with that my heart skipped a beat. Of course! How could i have been so stupid?! Between the medical clinic & the traveling I totally forgot about seeing him! And at that second i hugged him tight!
He didn't know what was going on but, he sure hugged me back. And best of all he has a family! He is going to be part of the Evansville Crew! I only know the dad's name: Jason! Jason was so cool when i was down there! I was helping him work with Sharkira. He is going to be a good Papa to Richecard! It is probably a good thing Richecard has a family, i am 12, have no job, & live with my parents or i would sign on the dotted-line to adopt him, with out an questions! I had a great week with Richecard & like i have been saying lately: I hope to see him again in September!
PS~ Scroll down to see a post on Jonas & Ellie, Steven & Belle, & my first post back from Haiti! I will be posting fast due to: I HAVE SO MUCH TO TELL YOU ALL!
Yes, He will have a great papa!!! My husband and I went to High School with Jason. He is a awesome person, and from what I hear, has an awesome wife. I am so happy for Richecard, I felt the same way, I would in a heart beat sign the dotted line for him! Hooray for Richecard!! Thanks for the updates, they are such a blessing. Love, Sarah
That is very comforting to know! And the updates are NO problem! I could ramble on & on about all the kids all the time!
Yeah!!!! Richecard has a family!!!!
His face has always captivated me! And now that he smiles....ahhhhh
keep the posts coming!
I was so happy and yet a little sad to be honest when I heard of Richecard's new family.
I too LOVE him. No. I mean I really LOVE him.
I had to restrain myself for loving on him too much when i was there because I didn't want him to think that I was going to be his mama. I knew that was not God's design.
But after my little heartbreak came SUCH JOY! I still pray for him and now I will be adding his new family to those prayers.
but you-you thinks richecard needs a little sister! and who better to raise a girl with c.p. than two physical therapists?!
:) don't worry, i already told jason this!
praise God for richecard's family and for God's great, abundant blessings!
The minute I got a chance to "breathe" from meeting the rest of my family, this little guy jumped on my back & said "Mamma?" like he was asking a question. I hugged him & told him that I would love to be his mamma but I have my hands full with adopting 3 but that he would find a mamma & papa soon...little did I know that they would be good friends of ours who lives close by. I'm so glad that he's coming to our area. He has AWESOME parents...just perfect for an awesome kid!!!
YAY for Evansville. I'm so glad he's going to be a part of our little community...or should I say big community.
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