Monday, May 17, 2010
Thursday, May 13, 2010
See how much I love this boy?
I've been up since 6:00 this morning. It is now almost 9, and I can't bring myself to do anything "productive." Haiti is engulfing me today. Doing anything that isn't for, about, or that moves me toward Haiti seems trite. I have plenty that I should be doing, but I just want Haiti. That's all I want. And if I can't be there, I want my life here as Haiti-filled as possible. Everything here feels wrong.
The television is driving me crazy. I don't care about weight-watchers, nor do I care about the woman who murdered her daughter. When there is a nation of people living on the streets, NO ONE should care! If I had it my way, I'd have Haiti on the TV all day. That way, people could watch Haiti 24/7 -- the badness and the loveliness that fabricates Haiti. The help they need, and the love they deserve. Yes, it is four months after the earthquake, and yes, I still want coverage on Haiti -- "silly me." It is necessary.
My friend was back in Haiti last March. A woman spoke to her saying, "we are now out in the streets, you-you. Like trash. But we're not trash."
You tell me how anything that is playing on your television is more important than that.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Today, Happiness Is...
- finding free chord charts online that I don't need to fix.
- taking my last final = no more college until my Italy study trip.
- the sweet boy's prayers for my success.
- seeing my room clean. (Megan just threw all of our stuff which was on the floor on our beds.)
- waking up and remembering that I have red hair now.
- knowing I can talk to my Jesus whenever I please.
- this episode of Gilmore Girls.
- WeHeartIt pictures.
- seeing Megan dress up like a girl.
- yummy dinner tonight with my grandparents.
(photo mine)
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Picture Adventures!
Yesterday was a splendid day. "Why?" you ask? Well, I have recently become Sara's photography assistant. Yesterday, it was our job to photograph the beautiful wedding of Melissa and Ryan. This was my first time having a photography job, and I'm thankful it was with Sara. She was extremely fun to work with. And upon finding that being a wedding photographer is a hard, sweat-producing, on-your-feet job, I had a great time. It was wonderfully glorious. I excitingly look forward to the weddings and shoots we have coming up. (:
A wonderful thing about being Sara's assistant is that 1) she lets me take pictures(: 2) she is oodles of fun(: and 3) she lets me keep my pictures as my own and still gives me photo credit. So, here is just some of my work from last night.
I love her. (:
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Shaking Still

The earth may have stopped moving, but people are still shaken.
I feel stupid saying that the earthquake changed my life. It sounds naive. However, it did, immensely. I can't even begin to explain. Can you imagine how the lives of those who were in the earthquake are feeling today?
I remember everything from January 2010. Staying up till the wee hours of the night watching CNN. Constantly networking with people through the internet to learn and provide others with new information. Crying, Praying, Fasting. And going to meet all the Three Angels kids when they got here in the United States and staying with six of them over night at a foster care center until their forever families picked them up. It's hard to remember and to thinking about. Somedays, it's even painful.
But I will never forget. And it makes me sick to think that people have -- especially after publicly saying they wouldn't. Why have people decided that they don' need to donate anymore? Or that this problem is solved and not longer needed to be shared?
I feel I've been doing a little something to help lately. By this, I am not saying that I am better than others. I would feel weird discussing the subject any further after what I have just written. It's a little thing I'm doing, but it makes my heart happy, and I like to think it will make someone else in Haiti a bit happier too.
I could say more, and I probably will later. Thank you to all of you who are still offering yourselves to Haiti Relief, to those who haven't forgotten.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Leve Project is a-growin'!
So, I think, when I say "go" you should stop reading and click on the link that will be under this paragraph labeled "Leve Project's Website." It will led you on a journey through cyberspace to a website that God is using to empower the people of Haiti. Sound good? Ok. Ready? ... GO!
(there is also a link on my right sidebar.)
How was it? Feel that stir in your soul? That pull in your heart? That's what I like to call the Holy Spirit, my friends. Follow it, embrace it. You won't regret it.
PS ~ The Leve Project blog has a new post, check it out. (;
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