Junior is now my brother/cousin. i wanted to post the picture of him that he sent to me on here but it did not work! Anyway!, instead of me telling you what happened i will let you read what happened! And this is what happened:
An e-mail from Jennifer (my aunt) (this e-mail is part ofanother e-mail also sent to other less informed people so there is some info that will be retold to you):
A young man named Junior that was hired to work at the orphanage while we were there was brought to me with severe stomach pains. I knew it was peptic ulcer disease and tried some different treatments on him while I was there. The last night there we all were at dinner and about 30 min after eating he had his head on the table and had tears in his eyes. He then told me this is how he feels after he eats everyday. After dinner my sister Gretchen and I were talking to Junior and asked him about his past. He was left at a home for boys at a young age by his mother because she couldn't feed him. When the man who ran the school and home died two years ago he was put out on the street since he was now too old to be adopted. He went back to live with his mother. About a year ago he found her dead. His dad has 16 children from 7 different women (typical in Haiti) and his dad's new wife makes him sleep outside the one room tin shack. He says he lays awake all night afraid he will be killed. His father's house is in a bad part of Haiti. This young man was almost in tears as he opened up to us. My sister Gretchen says.........."we will be your mothers".
My e-amil to Junior:
Hello, Junior!
I am Elisabeth Huijskens, Gretchen's daughter & Jennifer's niece. So that makes me your sister! I am 12 years old but i act very old for my age. My birthday is January 5. And i care for Haiti very very much!!! Jennifer e-mailed me about you! I cried like a little baby when she told me about you! I would like to be part of your family, Junior. I have heard of you but, still i barley know you! And yet i already care for you like you have been my big brother my whole live!
An e-mail from Junior:
i'm so happy because you whrite me thank you so much my cousine because you think about me.it's makes me so happy i have a biger family then i thouh i love you and i can't wait to meet you face to face.
Love you too Junior & will see you soon!
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Who Says There is No Such Thing as Magic?

Magic is all around us! Nope, sorry no bunnies are coming out of hats but, there is a world of other magic! The way a flower blooms, a child's smile, or the feeling you get when a rain drop hits your toung. All are miracles that God created!
So next time you see a child's smile, smile back, for in that smile lays a miracle from the Heavens!
Friday, May 25, 2007
Schools Out For The Summer!
Yes, today is the last day of my freshman year of middle school!!! Yeah! And i am proud to say i have passing grades in ALL subjects!
Social Studies...................................................................."B"
But i am not posting my grades to brag but, to thank you for your prayers in my time of need! I couldn't of done this without you guys! What would i do without you???!
Social Studies...................................................................."B"
But i am not posting my grades to brag but, to thank you for your prayers in my time of need! I couldn't of done this without you guys! What would i do without you???!
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
My Aunt Casey got a Blog!
My wonderful Aunt Casey got a blog! She is in the TA'sDVD. But the blog is mainly for a funraiser for TA's, from what i understand. Casey owns a screenprinting business & my mom asked her to make t-shirts for TA's & the money payed for the tees will go to TA's!!!!! Each shirt will cost: $2.00, again from what i understand! :) Enjoy!
Here is the site: http://gmscreenprinting.blogspot.com
Here is the site: http://gmscreenprinting.blogspot.com
Sunday, May 20, 2007
This Changed my Prayers!
One of my FAVORITE books is "The Prayer of Jabez: Breaking Through the Blessed Life", By: Bruce Wilkinson. I am currently reading it again for the third time. Every time i read it i learn something new! Yesterday i learned some thing new. So you are traveling through life & following God as He works through you. But you feel that more can come into your life. Is He made at you? NO! It has nothing to do with Him. It is all you this time! What would you say if God wanted to send you 30 blessings a day, but you only got about 1? Well, did you ask for all of the blessings you wanted??? Before i learned what i am about to tell you, i did not want to ask for everything from God. I only asked for about 2 blessings at night & most of the time i got them the next day. I did not want to ask for too much because i do not think i deserve it. I don't want to sound greedy toward God. But He WANTS you to ask for a handful of blessings!
Here is a story found in this book: Mr. Jones Goes to Heaven:
Mr. Jones dies & goes to Heaven. At the gates Peter is waiting for him to give Him a tour. As they stroll down the golden streets they come a long a warehouse-looking building. Mr. Jones wants to go in. Peter says,"I wouldn't want to if i were you, Mr.Jones". What secrets could be in Heaven??? But Mr. Jones is stolen by curiosity & begins to walk in. Peter sighs & follows. They see thousands & thousands of drawer-looking things all labeled with names. "Do i have one," questioned Mr. Jones. "Of course," answered Peter. Before Peter can say another thing Mr. Jones races to the "J" section. Mr. Jones opens his drawer, inside is a white box tied with a bright red ribbon. Mr. Jones opened the box & inside held all the blessing that God intended to give Mr. Jones, But never asked for. A large sigh comes from Mr. Jone's mouth, one that Peter has heard MANY times be for!
"Ask & it will be given to you,"promised Jesus. (Matthew 7:7)
"You do not have because you do not ask". (James 4:2)
Here is a story found in this book: Mr. Jones Goes to Heaven:
Mr. Jones dies & goes to Heaven. At the gates Peter is waiting for him to give Him a tour. As they stroll down the golden streets they come a long a warehouse-looking building. Mr. Jones wants to go in. Peter says,"I wouldn't want to if i were you, Mr.Jones". What secrets could be in Heaven??? But Mr. Jones is stolen by curiosity & begins to walk in. Peter sighs & follows. They see thousands & thousands of drawer-looking things all labeled with names. "Do i have one," questioned Mr. Jones. "Of course," answered Peter. Before Peter can say another thing Mr. Jones races to the "J" section. Mr. Jones opens his drawer, inside is a white box tied with a bright red ribbon. Mr. Jones opened the box & inside held all the blessing that God intended to give Mr. Jones, But never asked for. A large sigh comes from Mr. Jone's mouth, one that Peter has heard MANY times be for!
"Ask & it will be given to you,"promised Jesus. (Matthew 7:7)
"You do not have because you do not ask". (James 4:2)
Thursday, May 17, 2007
At my school we are all tye dieing t-shirts for art class. And as Mia was wearing her t-shirt at dinner i thought MAYBE it would be a cool thing to do with the kids that the "O".
I know that not all the kids are old enough but there is a good hand full: Steven, Mia, Belle, Hope, Noah, Steeve, Richecard, Sharkira. MAYBE even Samara (with some help that is). There might even be a few more that could tye die... Tye-dieing is sooo simple:
1) You tye your shirt in rubber bands
2) dip the shirt in die (you could do different colors in different places on the shirt)
3) put the shirt in regular water
4) ring the shirt out
5) Take off the rubber bands & let it dry
I think it would be cool for the kids to make their own shirts. And i am willing to pay for all of the supplies. I could be the...the... Official Tye- Die Manager. My mom said she would think about it. I think it would be a fun summer craft this July. I just want your opinion. :)
Here is Mia's Tee:

PS~ I posted this post at 7:00 AM not what ever the time says at the end of this post.
I know that not all the kids are old enough but there is a good hand full: Steven, Mia, Belle, Hope, Noah, Steeve, Richecard, Sharkira. MAYBE even Samara (with some help that is). There might even be a few more that could tye die... Tye-dieing is sooo simple:
1) You tye your shirt in rubber bands
2) dip the shirt in die (you could do different colors in different places on the shirt)
3) put the shirt in regular water
4) ring the shirt out
5) Take off the rubber bands & let it dry
I think it would be cool for the kids to make their own shirts. And i am willing to pay for all of the supplies. I could be the...the... Official Tye- Die Manager. My mom said she would think about it. I think it would be a fun summer craft this July. I just want your opinion. :)
Here is Mia's Tee:

PS~ I posted this post at 7:00 AM not what ever the time says at the end of this post.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
A letter To You-you!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY YOU-YOU!!!! Oh You-you I am sooooo happy i met you! You were with me on my birthday now I want to wish you a happy one! I am thankful that our lives crossed! You are a great person! The kids love you, the staff & the adoptive parents all love you! ~ Or at least that is what I heard over the year you have been with us!~ I love your attitude & the way you life your life! You make God proud & that is something no one can deny in a person like you!
You have brought so much to TA’s!I could only imagine what TA’s would be like today if you hadn’t stepped in! And I don’t know how you felt when you felt this is what you wanted to do but it takes an effort to make a HUGE decision like that! Not many people can move to Haiti & life there, taking care for so many kids, no matter how cute the kids are!
I hope Jimmy takes you out to a nice Birthday dinner or lunch or BOTH! I will make sure of it, or I will just have to tell Gail she needs to talk to that boy! Have a great birthday You-you!!!
You have brought so much to TA’s!I could only imagine what TA’s would be like today if you hadn’t stepped in! And I don’t know how you felt when you felt this is what you wanted to do but it takes an effort to make a HUGE decision like that! Not many people can move to Haiti & life there, taking care for so many kids, no matter how cute the kids are!
I hope Jimmy takes you out to a nice Birthday dinner or lunch or BOTH! I will make sure of it, or I will just have to tell Gail she needs to talk to that boy! Have a great birthday You-you!!!
Monday, May 14, 2007
Yep, I Too Was Tagged, by Shannon!
The first time i saw this whole TAG thing was on Michelle's blog. I am suppose to share 7 facts about myself & tag some other people. Michelle tagged Shannon, Shannon tagged me & i tagged some more people at the bottom of this post. Enjoy!
1) I have a son. Or at least a son a heart. :) Woodson. Woodson is a little baby that i fell in love with when he was at my house for 3 days as he was waiting to go back to Haiti after his lip surgery in the States. This was in February 2006. (He had a HUGE hole in his top lip!) I cried the day my mother took him to Haiti. Woodson is still my little baby boy even though he lives in a new forever family, (tear!)
2)I am an Audry Hepburn freak ever since i saw "Breakfast at Tiffany's" I have a picture of her hanging on my wall.
3) I am a country girl! I love visiting my mom's side of the family in Michigan and driving my grandpa's gator (pick-up truck/tractor thingy) yes, driving that at 12 is illegal :). I admit... I Listen to country music too. :P
4) I'm in love with all of our troops. They do what they do because they love us and they don't even know all of us. They put themselves first so we can just breathe in oxygen that tastes like freedom.
5) Music is my obession....
6) I dream of a beautiful wedding. I am hoping that i get a scholarship to collage so i can put the money i saved over the years to Haiti & my wedding day!!! Though, I don't think I've met him, I'm already deeply in love with my future husband.
7) I love to watch Little House on the Prairie! I just finished watching an episode. i don't know what it is but i love to watch it! Can you see a pattern of old movie likings here???
OK... I tag: Angela(not You-you), Hope & Robb, Kristina &...that is all the people that have been tagged, right?
1) I have a son. Or at least a son a heart. :) Woodson. Woodson is a little baby that i fell in love with when he was at my house for 3 days as he was waiting to go back to Haiti after his lip surgery in the States. This was in February 2006. (He had a HUGE hole in his top lip!) I cried the day my mother took him to Haiti. Woodson is still my little baby boy even though he lives in a new forever family, (tear!)
2)I am an Audry Hepburn freak ever since i saw "Breakfast at Tiffany's" I have a picture of her hanging on my wall.
3) I am a country girl! I love visiting my mom's side of the family in Michigan and driving my grandpa's gator (pick-up truck/tractor thingy) yes, driving that at 12 is illegal :). I admit... I Listen to country music too. :P
4) I'm in love with all of our troops. They do what they do because they love us and they don't even know all of us. They put themselves first so we can just breathe in oxygen that tastes like freedom.
5) Music is my obession....
6) I dream of a beautiful wedding. I am hoping that i get a scholarship to collage so i can put the money i saved over the years to Haiti & my wedding day!!! Though, I don't think I've met him, I'm already deeply in love with my future husband.
7) I love to watch Little House on the Prairie! I just finished watching an episode. i don't know what it is but i love to watch it! Can you see a pattern of old movie likings here???
OK... I tag: Angela(not You-you), Hope & Robb, Kristina &...that is all the people that have been tagged, right?
Sunday, May 13, 2007
I Was Just Wondering...
Final Tests are this week & i have not even learned half of what those kids learned. I have to remember stuff i have not seen before! I have been studying hard lately. I am sure i will do OK.., but i am still under pressure. I don't even know if the grades of the finals count in our over all grades this year because it is the 6th graders' first year of finals. But i still would like my dignity of a good grade! So i was just wondering: would you please pray for me & my dignity??? Thank you so much!
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
I have been thinking & praying for one certain little boy at the orphanage (but i pray for all the kids & staff). Richecard.

This little boy is five years old & just arrived at the orphanage. Richecard's father died a few month's ago. His mother is homeless. She was living with her sister, in a situation where there was physical abuse. This mother wanted to protect her son. She has other children and knows that she can just not care for all of them. She doesn't want her son to grow up on the streets.The first days, Richecard was very sweet, though very quiet. Also, Richecard was so hungry. Now he is waiting for his forever family.
~Three Angels Website
I just can not wait to love on this child. He has nothing but TA's. But that could all change! My trouble right now though is that i am going to Haiti soon i do not know how to get this child to understand that I love him. Even though i barley know him. I want to tell him that i love EVERY child in TA's & those who need love whether they live at TA's or not. I want to tell him that before i knew him i loved him. I just need him to understand.
~Gen Pwoblèm
PS~ I got my first pair of SCRUBS!!!

This little boy is five years old & just arrived at the orphanage. Richecard's father died a few month's ago. His mother is homeless. She was living with her sister, in a situation where there was physical abuse. This mother wanted to protect her son. She has other children and knows that she can just not care for all of them. She doesn't want her son to grow up on the streets.The first days, Richecard was very sweet, though very quiet. Also, Richecard was so hungry. Now he is waiting for his forever family.
~Three Angels Website
I just can not wait to love on this child. He has nothing but TA's. But that could all change! My trouble right now though is that i am going to Haiti soon i do not know how to get this child to understand that I love him. Even though i barley know him. I want to tell him that i love EVERY child in TA's & those who need love whether they live at TA's or not. I want to tell him that before i knew him i loved him. I just need him to understand.
~Gen Pwoblèm
PS~ I got my first pair of SCRUBS!!!
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