the Real Love Movement was inspired by the truths written in the Bible and in Elisabeth's book, Putting Fairy Tales to Shame. Here you'll find her weaving of words, a little creativity, and, it's prayed, some healing for your sweet soul. Comment, share, and be a part of the desperately needed Real Love Movement!
Be sure to go to Elisabeth's main site

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Shaking Still

Did you hear something on the news about Haiti today? Perhaps. Did you know that Haiti recently had two more earthquakes? Maybe, but it wasn't worth doing anything about. Did someone tell you that after the earthquake on January 12, 2010, Haiti's people are still recovering from it? You assumed so, right? But it's old news now. There's no need to talk about it.

The earth may have stopped moving, but people are still shaken.

I feel stupid saying that the earthquake changed my life. It sounds naive. However, it did, immensely. I can't even begin to explain. Can you imagine how the lives of those who were in the earthquake are feeling today?

I remember everything from January 2010. Staying up till the wee hours of the night watching CNN. Constantly networking with people through the internet to learn and provide others with new information. Crying, Praying, Fasting. And going to meet all the Three Angels kids when they got here in the United States and staying with six of them over night at a foster care center until their forever families picked them up. It's hard to remember and to thinking about. Somedays, it's even painful.

But I will never forget. And it makes me sick to think that people have -- especially after publicly saying they wouldn't. Why have people decided that they don' need to donate anymore? Or that this problem is solved and not longer needed to be shared?

I feel I've been doing a little something to help lately. By this, I am not saying that I am better than others. I would feel weird discussing the subject any further after what I have just written. It's a little thing I'm doing, but it makes my heart happy, and I like to think it will make someone else in Haiti a bit happier too.

I could say more, and I probably will later. Thank you to all of you who are still offering yourselves to Haiti Relief, to those who haven't forgotten.


Meg said...

All of your posts about Haiti are so great, couldn't have said them better myself. I went to Haiti and volunteered at an orphanage for the first time just over a year ago-and haven't been the same since! Counting down the days until I can go back, which will hopefully be soon! Love reading your blog, it makes me want to start my own!

Leve Project said...

i, too, will never forget. i thought a lot about the 4.4 they had the other day. such a small one compared to "the big one" on jan. 12. but i can still image the fear it would have still caused in everyone in that moment. and my heart aches for those people. my heart aches to be there again with them.