the Real Love Movement was inspired by the truths written in the Bible and in Elisabeth's book, Putting Fairy Tales to Shame. Here you'll find her weaving of words, a little creativity, and, it's prayed, some healing for your sweet soul. Comment, share, and be a part of the desperately needed Real Love Movement!
Be sure to go to Elisabeth's main site

Monday, April 26, 2010

O, End of Semester

I have three more weeks of classes. My first year of college has never been dull, and I'm sure I'll write more about its adventures later... If I survive, that is. As I'm sure many of you can relate, with summer's quick approach, my teachers "have no choice" but to load on the homework. As a matter a fact, I should be studying some Hamlet right about now. I have several tests and papers this week, not to mention finals during the next. I'm sure you're right there with me. Dear friends, I fear this will be the end of me...

On that note, if anyone needs me, I will be here with my books, all week long.

(no, that ugly chair does not belong to us.)


Gretchen, Frits, Elisabeth, Harrison and Mia said...

You will make it. AND you are doing it well. Hugs!

megan haug said...

when i grow up, i want to be a good student like you.