And NO ONE can go on that journey for you!! God wouldn't give you a give if He didn't have a reason to do so. He wants to use your gift to benefit the world and to give glory to His name. And the choice is yours whether you want to make that benefit and that glory. He's giving you an open door all you have to do is step through it. Some feel that since your gift isn't "as good as someone else " why bother stepping through the door and making that attempt? Because even if the journey might seem useless and stupid to you, it is important to God!! Otherwise He wouldn't waste His time. Why would He? Its only your choice if you want to walk through the open door and begin your journey, the journey that God wants you to to take...
Evidently, if God's gonna give you a gift (which i know He has) and a journey (which He has) then He has a reason and that reason is significant. Its so significant that it will mold into a story that is only yours! No one else can write that story but you. Its yours!
Out of the many examples, lets use Noah and his ark. God gave him a strong faith, therefor He asked no one but Noah to build the ark. Noah chose to step through the door and did as he was told. Now... he has an amazing story!! I'm sure every Christian knows who he is. I know of a good handful of non-Christians who know him. He is one of the most known stories in the Bible, numerous couples have named their child after him (or they just really like his name), and Tom Shadyac even made a modern day movie about him!!
The best part of these stories is that they glorify the name of our Creator.
So, please, please, please don't take your gift(s) for granted or compare yourselves to others. But rather thank God for the amazing gift that He has given you!! He has given you that gift out of love and wants you to only rejoice in it.
cool. and not only do you get a story, that story honors and glorifies Christ. see, He wouldn't give us gifts just to honor ourselves, He has a much higher plan. and how wonderful that He allows us to be instruments in His plan!
Good thoughts.
That was beautiful Lizzie. Thanks!
great reminder Lizzie!! it is easy to sometimes look at someone else and their abilities, their gifts, and wonder why we don't have the same. but, we must see the importance of what God has given each one of us. we are the BODY of Christ, each having different roles, and without unity, the body cannot function properly! our particular gifts have a reason, our journey has a purpose. and like Angela said, the awesome thing is that ultimately, it's about glorifying Christ!
Okay, I'm all tearied eyed. I needed to read this. Thank you Lizzie! Thank you for using all the gifts God has given you!!!
oh lizzie! god has absolutley given you a very special gift! the gift to love unconditionally. geeze woman! you are a saint!
Thank you everybody! Your words mean so much to me!! Love you guys!
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