the Real Love Movement was inspired by the truths written in the Bible and in Elisabeth's book, Putting Fairy Tales to Shame. Here you'll find her weaving of words, a little creativity, and, it's prayed, some healing for your sweet soul. Comment, share, and be a part of the desperately needed Real Love Movement!
Be sure to go to Elisabeth's main site

Friday, May 30, 2008

I see the Light on the Horizon

So today was a fun day, I got to pretend to play 'adoptive mama' several times. I got to talk to Steven and Belle over Skype today, or we kind of did. They where being shy this morning and i was barely ready for my last day of school when we connected. But just seeing and talking to them again for a little bit was great! I can't say i completely understand the rush of Skype like all of you adoptive parents but i caught a glims, and loved it!

Also, Mom got home from Haiti an hour ago and delivered a picture that my baby boy, Reece made for me. How thoughtful! Oh, i love it and treasure it so much! I feel... so, loved by those kids! To think that Reece thought of giving that picture to ME instead out of anyone else. Yeah, okay that sounds a bit self-centered, but put yourself in that position.... Oh, i miss them, i love them. BUT, Reece's picture sends me a hopeful message that has to be God-given:

... Psalm 18:28 - You, O LORD, keep my lamp burning; my God turns my darkness into light.
... 2 Samuel 22:29 - You are my lamp, O LORD; the LORD turns my darkness into light.
..."It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light."
... Job 29:3 - when his lamp shone upon my head and by his light I walked through darkness!


Kathy Eden said...

He did an awesome job on your picture Lizzie. Thanks for the scripture verses!

Angela said...

That's funny. I'm glad they played shy with you too or I might have been a little jealous. I don't understand why they do that. They are so not like that in person. :)

That's a beautiful picture from Reece. He is such a sweetie and great with the crayons too.

megan haug said...

that's cool that you got to talk to Steven and Belle over Skype!

oh, Reece!! i love that kid!

Anonymous said...

Are you on your way back to Haiti soon?