the Real Love Movement was inspired by the truths written in the Bible and in Elisabeth's book, Putting Fairy Tales to Shame. Here you'll find her weaving of words, a little creativity, and, it's prayed, some healing for your sweet soul. Comment, share, and be a part of the desperately needed Real Love Movement!
Be sure to go to Elisabeth's main site

Monday, January 28, 2008

Without Darkness, What is Light?

i was lying awake last night in bed, when i noticed the light coming from the laundry room down the hall. the light was standing out in the darkness. and then i started to think of the hall way being completely lit up. there would be nothing to compare the light to. the light won't be extraordinary in any way. & what if the light wasn't there and there was complete darkness?? the darkness, again, wouldn't be extraordinary in any way because you wouldn't have anything to compare it to.

so i continued to process & elaborate on the topic of light and darkness. what if there was only Heaven without this Earth we stand on or hell?? how would we know that Heaven was the best possible place, if we couldn't compare it to Earth or hell?? or how would we know that hell is the worst place if we couldn't compare it to Heaven?? ... How would we understand that the LORD is the Almighty One & that the devil is the evil one?? how would we know that the evil one was not Almighty?

IT IS THE LIGHT THAT STANDS OUT IN THE DARKNESS, THAT MAKES GOD & HIS FOLLOWERS EXTRAORDINARY. you have to choose to be that light, to have it in you & to be transparent enough to let it shine. otherwise you are just another piece of darkness, watching the patch of light shining.


Michelle said...

That is very cool, Lizzie, and so true! My favorite part is, "to be transparent enough to let it shine. otherwise you are just another piece of darkness, watching the patch of light shining." Awesome!!

megan haug said...

um, can i just say that i think you're amazing?? i think you're amazing!!!

awesome post!!

if someone is in the dark, and surrounded only by darkness...he cannot know that he is in the dark! he will only come to realize he is in the dark if he sees light! only in or compared to light is darkness seen as darkness.

a few scripture references:
John 1:4-9
john 3:19-21
john 8:12
eph. 5:8-14

"This is the message we have heard from him and proclaim to you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all. If we say we have fellowship with him while we walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth." 1john 1:5-6

Anonymous said...

Good thoughts Lizzie.

Gretchen, Frits, Elisabeth, Harrison and Mia said...

Goodness Lizzie. Guess I shouldn't have been so irritated that you were up at 2 am.:)

DragonRider said...

i like the pictures at the top of your page. i am getting twin siblings from haiti.

Angela said...

Very cool!!

CG said...

Lizzie! What a post! I hope my boys are posting things like this on their blogs at your age. Keep on the path, sister. You're a treasure!

Elias said...

lizzie...i'm impressed. those are some deep thoughts that i wish my high schoolers would understand and live out! thanks for sharing!

i love the way Scripture uses light and darkness to help us understand deeper truths. megan already mentioned my favorite light/darkness passage (eph. 5), but here's some other light/darkness verses:

2 cor 4:6; 2 cor 6:14; matt 5:14-16