the Real Love Movement was inspired by the truths written in the Bible and in Elisabeth's book, Putting Fairy Tales to Shame. Here you'll find her weaving of words, a little creativity, and, it's prayed, some healing for your sweet soul. Comment, share, and be a part of the desperately needed Real Love Movement!
Be sure to go to Elisabeth's main site

Friday, October 5, 2007

50 years from now what will be remembered...

hate to break it to you but,
not many people, if any...

will remember if you had a pool,
or a flat screen TV.
no one will remember
your favorite haircut,
your chic shoes,
or your fall patio furniture set.

I'm not saying it is bad
to remember or have these things...
but we need to remember,
what will be remembered

most people will remember
how you made
life a little bit better,
for that one (or more) person...

~Many people will remember when you left your home in California to live with & care for orphan kids in a third-world-country

~Many people will remember how you opened a little more space in your family for a child who didn't have one.

~Many people will remember how you used your talents to improve a life of someone you didn't know, for no pay.

~Many people will remember how you started that organization for the children of Haiti and how it grew and grew into an orphanage, a school and now a medical clinic.

They'll remember,
Because that's what matters in life.


Kathy Eden said...

Amen Lizzie!

Lara said...

Wise words from a wise young woman...thank you for reminding me about the important things!

megan haug said...

Hey Lizzie! i went to haiti for the first time in August, and just got back from this past trip. i got to met your mom, she's an amazing woman!! and you seem to be just like her.

amen to your post!

angela said...

sweet lizzie. good points!

CG said...

Great post, Lizzie! You're absolutely right. :)