the Real Love Movement was inspired by the truths written in the Bible and in Elisabeth's book, Putting Fairy Tales to Shame. Here you'll find her weaving of words, a little creativity, and, it's prayed, some healing for your sweet soul. Comment, share, and be a part of the desperately needed Real Love Movement!
Be sure to go to Elisabeth's main site

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Can you Belive It?

Oh my goodness! Can you imagine how great & powerful God is??? I mean, God created the colors of the sunset, the light of the moon, the strength of the winds, & the pain of a wound. He held you in His hands before your life began. With those same hands he placed you in your mother's whom. With a snap of His fingers the world could collapse. With simple words he built this, our world! He can answer over thousands prayers at once. And with those those people he coordinates their whole life. He has a plan for you! Maybe that plan is unfolding, maybe it already has, or maybe He has not began that plan quite yet. God does not do things for no reason. Maybe you are going through a hard time, but has it accrued to you that maybe He gave you this time to make you stronger, or help you grow. He is another parent, wanting what is best FOR YOU! God came up with the feeling of passion or the feeling of depression, but all for a a good reason. He made the feeling of embarrassment, the feeling of nakedness, & the power of hope & faithfulness.

"For the first time in my life, truely the first time in my life i feel i am doing something that is worthy of my time"
-Gail Gray

Do you feel that way when your are helping Haiti? And guess who brought you to Haiti? God!

God brought Haiti into your life, for a reason! I suppose you might know that reason already. Maybe it was to save a child's life by adoption, open your eyes to how fortunate you are, or to bring you closer to God. The list is endless! So tell me, aren't you proud & thankful to call yourself Christian?


angela said...

oh lizzie! you are quite the young woman these days! i'm so impressed by your faith! i was thinking i'd say, "especially at your age" but i am reminded of daniel and his freinds being mere junior highers when they stood up to king neb. or mary and joseph being about 16 when mary gave birth to our Lord. so maybe i just mean to say, "i'm impressed with your faith, at your age, in THIS day and age!"

keep growing! we're all proud of you!

Elisabeth said...

Thank you You-you, very much! But i think that God changed the way i think, you know my prespective ever since i have gotten so close to Haiti. But you know what i think before this blog i didn't really have a place to express how i feel. So i thank you all!

Gail said...


You amaze me so often with the insight God has shown you. Most people no matter their age do not truly listen for God's voice but it is obvious that you are doing just that. I'm also very proud that in all of that you used the word's God spoke to me a few months. I am honored to call you friend!!

Elisabeth said...

Oh, thanks Gail! And I am proud to call you, friend, too! :)

Michelle said...

It's awesome to hear you talk of how God is showing you things!! Continue, Lizzie, to follow Him, listen to Him and spend time with Him. He will always direct your paths!! Thanks for sharing your heart!