the Real Love Movement was inspired by the truths written in the Bible and in Elisabeth's book, Putting Fairy Tales to Shame. Here you'll find her weaving of words, a little creativity, and, it's prayed, some healing for your sweet soul. Comment, share, and be a part of the desperately needed Real Love Movement!
Be sure to go to Elisabeth's main site

Monday, April 23, 2007


Have you ever wondered, wondered about Heaven? What it is like. Is it like most people say? Do you rise up in a ray of light and meet God in front of a golden gate. He blesses you, and says how proud He is of you. You walk through the gates along a solid gold street. But then what do you see? People living their own lives like they do on Earth but completely safe and next to God? Or maybe they are just doing what ever they want, kids eating ice cream and adults doing their Earth-life dreams that they never got to accomplish because of an inconvenient event. When you reach Heaven are you able to see previous people like old relatives, friends, celebrities. Are you able to look down on EVERYONE on your previous planet, spot your baby you departed from at its birth, your troubled teenager pressured to make decisions for collage, or maybe your friend in the hospital that was with you in that car crashed that ended your time on Earth. Are you allowed to see and talk to the Lord when ever you want or do you have to what your turn. Oh, and can you still pray to Him? or maybe you are just so close to Him you don't need to. All these questions that have to wait to be answered. But it is that hope of God that we receive that we can believe in this Heaven, and that's the greatness of it!


angela said...

we cannot imagine! i'm a bit scared of heaven; the foreverness of it. but i know it's more wonderful than all i know. we think we can see beauty here on earth? like flowers, waterfalls, the smell of a peach . . . but in heaven!! o will it be amazing!

Kathy Eden said...

I have a "list" of questions for God when I get to Heaven although I know when I get there I won't care about the answers because I'll be too "wowed" by His presence & His love. It's something our minds can't comprehend now but something that our spirits long for.