the Real Love Movement was inspired by the truths written in the Bible and in Elisabeth's book, Putting Fairy Tales to Shame. Here you'll find her weaving of words, a little creativity, and, it's prayed, some healing for your sweet soul. Comment, share, and be a part of the desperately needed Real Love Movement!
Be sure to go to Elisabeth's main site

Friday, June 4, 2010

2 Years Old Today (:

Two years ago today, I followed Jesus into the water. I was baptized in His name and was made new. I still remember everything as if it was yesterday. Heart racing, being in the water which felt bottomless -- wanting to cry and laugh and dance and yell. I remember coming out of the water, feeling a piece of Heaven in the presence of all of us who were surrounding the pool.

When, I opened my eyes, things were different, I was different! The world was brighter... not brighter in a holier sense -- not at all. But I could see. The battle field was emphasized. The good was easier to discern from the evil. And I was ready. I wanted to fight. I wanted the enemy to come at me, just so I could put him back in his place.

So, it's been two years. And it makes me wonder what I've done. What have I done to serve God in the last two years? I contemplated making a list. (I love lists.) But I'm afraid the list would be heartrendingly short. Therefore, I'm looking forward at what I can do, what I will do.

And I'm excited.

1 comment:

Photography by Sara Purdy said...

I love reading your blogs Lizzie, they are so heartfelt, so awe-inspiring.. so beautifully written!