the Real Love Movement was inspired by the truths written in the Bible and in Elisabeth's book, Putting Fairy Tales to Shame. Here you'll find her weaving of words, a little creativity, and, it's prayed, some healing for your sweet soul. Comment, share, and be a part of the desperately needed Real Love Movement!
Be sure to go to Elisabeth's main site

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

I Promise, Every Bit Of Help Counts!!!

So my cousin Olivia & her friend Brady had a cookie sale for TA's the other day! They were going to sell cookies for a goal of $20.00 for one bag of rice to feed YOUR CHILDREN! (sorry i felt i needed to emphasize that) By the end of their day they made a total of... (drum roll please)... $213.00!!! YAY! That can buy 10 bags of rice to feed 600 people!!! The O is desperate for money & food this month, this helped out A LOT!

Here are our helpers: Brady & Olivia!

It was hot out & a long day, but they kept working!

Plus they had some back up! :)

Lauren (my cousin), Brady, Rachel (cousin), Kendall, Olivia, Shelby

(in order... i think)

So all i can say now is that i hope these kids taught you a lesson today on how the Holy Spirit can enter into anyone, and work through them. You are not too old, too young, too weak, or too strong. ... Also i hope this inspires you to help out the O in its time of need. If these kids can help out... don't you at least think you can take one day out of your live to sell... well... cookies???
I promise we will take anything you give us! (Besides sweaters!) ;) We would thank God for your kindness in what ever for it is brought in!


Angela said...

Tell them thanks Lizzie. What a great thing for them to do and to exceed their goal. That's awesome! God is good!!

Sarah and Tim said...

How wonderful!!! I am so proud of them! I think I am going to have my girls do this. Not to benefit our personal adoption, but just for the O!!!! We sold candy bars during the summer, maybe we can sell those again! Thanks for sharing!

Kristina said...

Yeah! Go God!

Elisabeth said...

i am so proud of them too!

Kathy Eden said...

What??? The O doesn't need sweaters??? :o) Just kidding of course! Way to go girls!!! You are awesome!

Blog said...

I am just so proud of them!!!! Aww.... I love it.