the Real Love Movement was inspired by the truths written in the Bible and in Elisabeth's book, Putting Fairy Tales to Shame. Here you'll find her weaving of words, a little creativity, and, it's prayed, some healing for your sweet soul. Comment, share, and be a part of the desperately needed Real Love Movement!
Be sure to go to Elisabeth's main site

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

When Perky People are Pushing Their Luck

You may have noticed that I have been a bit quite here at the Life Song Journal. (Of course, people don't usually comment on my posts, so it's hard to tell how many have taken note on my absence. (; ) Now, I'm not usually quite. The only time I'm not sharing stories or speaking my mind is when I'm sad, mad, or feel out of place. The last month and a half, I've been feeling a mixture of all three of those emotions. I'm tired of feeling this way, though. I miss speaking and feeling secure about it.

I've never been good at "choosing joy" when something crummy is going on inside of me. I'm not wired that way. (You should see when my mom [whom I love dearly] tells me to "just choose joy!" while I'm PMSing and unhappy. She says it all perky like. It makes me want to hit something. I don't advise being around at such a moment.)

My lovely friend, Sary (whom I miss unbelievably), posted this on Facebook the other day: "Thoughts come before feelings which come before actions. Control your thoughts and you control your actions." At first I blew it off. I have heard something like this before. But three hours later, I felt nudged to write "T,F,A" (thoughts, feelings, actions) on my mirror.

Something I love about this is that, I'm still not choosing joy. Yes, I have a constant underlining joy, but I'm not faking being happy just because people like me better when I'm chipper. I'm controlling my thoughts, therefor how I live my life. And, let me tell you, today I've been living my life a lot happier.

Things that I controlled my thoughts, feelings and actions about, making my day brighter:

~Getting the dishes and math homework done before 10 AM this morning, ridding it of my Tuesday.

~Being almost done figuring out the chords to a song on the piano I'll be doing for Christmas.

~Getting very positive feedback from my cello teacher.

~Discovering I got a B+ on my social psychology test!

~When my God answered my prayers. (He'll answer yours, too.)

~Writing my public speaking speech in a few hours, getting it done two days before I needed to!

~Being drenched in rain.

~Learning about roses from a fellow classmate.

~Changing my negative thoughts about missing an important event to positive thoughts.

~Getting new music.


Karole said...

Wow, Elizabeth I for one have noticed that you haven't written much lately. I'm glad to hear that you are working on getting you thoughts under control :). Did my heart good to see the math comment too :). See you later


Lisa Easterling said...

I love reading your thoughts, and I always notice when you're quiet. I try to stay positive, too, and sometimes it's just plain hard to do. It's especially hard at certain times of the month. Meh.

I love you, Lissie. I appreciate your wisdom and your words and your wit. Mostly your realness. (((HUG)))