the Real Love Movement was inspired by the truths written in the Bible and in Elisabeth's book, Putting Fairy Tales to Shame. Here you'll find her weaving of words, a little creativity, and, it's prayed, some healing for your sweet soul. Comment, share, and be a part of the desperately needed Real Love Movement!
Be sure to go to Elisabeth's main site

Monday, April 28, 2008

Me, Myself and I

For Miss Cara Green:
i am: your sister under our god!!
i think: optimistically, for i know that god only lets things that will benefit us in the future happen, even if its hard to get through at the time
i know: my future is locked in eternity.
i want: little voices yelling "Leesabet, Lessabet" in their little Haitian accents
i have: more than i want
i wish: that my classmates listened when i gave an abortion speech the other day, and that they believed me when i said God made them for a reason & they can't be replaced
i hate: what?! god calls us to love all not hate... this is something i have not accomplished.
i miss: Haiti
i fear: roller coasters
i feel: smile-y :) and yes that is a word... as of now.
i hear: the Bethany Dillon & Matt Hammit CD playing (awesome CD by the way).
i smell: Mia's thick hair product (i just gave another attempt at her hair)
i crave: the smell of rice, beans, sweat, baby powder and burning trash (oh, the smells of Haiti). i crave Haiti's love and gratitude for god and their hope and optimism for the future
i search: god's will
i wonder: what His plan is for me and those around me
i regret: (the list is long).
i love: god, Haiti, chocolate, the rain, family, friends, my church and all it's awesome rockin' people!!
i ache: when others ache
i care: for many, and a lot of them don't know it
i always: want it to be Sunday, so i can go to church or Wednesday, so i can go to my youth group
i am not: "going green", sorry
i believe: i have a place in Heaven & that music should never be turned down!!
i dance: like I've never seen someone dance :(
i sing: in the car/ in the shower/ at church (its quite a scene)
i cry: when i see the stupid plane on the tarmac in Haiti, the one that is going to take me back to the US
i don't always: live as a christian should
i fight: until i win the battle... unless i get tired -or hungry! ;)
i write: when i have something on my mind... which is all the time
i never: want to leave church or our youth group
i listen: never, i'm a horrible listener unless i enjoy what people are talking about
i need: Jesus
i am happy about: what God has done for me, through me, and what He holds for me in the future

if you haven't played the game yet, it would please me abundantly (don't count on me saying that again) if you would.


megan haug said...

yes!!! i love the "i am not: going green"!!!

me stinkin' neither!! not that i'd wear a shirt that says "kill the earth" cause i certainly don't think that either. well, never mind, i could go on about this, but i won't. but i was thrilled to read that you're not "going green" either!

Angela said...

That was great Lizzie!!! :)

CG said...

The going green was my favorite part, too. Don't apologize. I do a lot of that stuff for health reasons, but not because I'm an "environmentalist." The Lord gave us dominion over the earth, but not so we could put caring for the land above caring for people! That is where the environazis always lose me. And don't even get me started on global warming! What a ridiculous LIE! Okay, enough....

It was fun reading all your answers, Lizzie!

Elisabeth said...

YES!! Finally two people who understand!! oh, i'm not alone!! you two said everything i've been trying to explain to people for a long time now!!

Anonymous said...

Some heavy thots there Lizzie. Good job.

Gretchen, Frits, Elisabeth, Harrison and Mia said...

Well, Harry and I like being "green"--well light green. :) We like our new organic cleaning products and our reusable grocery bags. Fun read Liz.:) Love you!

angela said...

i'm great with reusable bags!! but that not going green was my favorite part too! i stand right behind cara! we are charged with dominion over the earth but never did Christ weep over trees . . .

Elisabeth said...

you hear people yelling "we're melting all the ice and is flooding the land until nothing is left"!! HELLO?! ever opened a Bible??!!

Genesis 9:10-12 "I establish my covenant with you: Never again will all life be cut off by the waters of a flood; never again will there be a flood to destroy the earth."

thank you very much.