the Real Love Movement was inspired by the truths written in the Bible and in Elisabeth's book, Putting Fairy Tales to Shame. Here you'll find her weaving of words, a little creativity, and, it's prayed, some healing for your sweet soul. Comment, share, and be a part of the desperately needed Real Love Movement!
Be sure to go to Elisabeth's main site

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

List Entry #... I lost count

Lists are a specialty of mine, and of the Life Song Journal, if you have yet to notice. I like lists. They're factual and productive, and still very inspiring and spirit-lifting. And sometimes, as a girl who thinks too much for her own good and talks far more than she is comfortable with, list-entries are the way to go! So, here we go.

* I just concluded a month in Michigan. Honestly, a month to me sounded like a long time to be away from home, but the truth is if we didn't visit, the bonds we have with our family now wouldn't be as strong. It was a great month of camping, Apples to Apples, pictures, shopping, eating, driving, baby-holding, World Cup-watching, nail-doing, bonfires, grass, Chicago, hugs, swings, and old Fraiser episodes. I loved it.

* My cousin Kristie flew back with my brother and dad, and is here with us now. She ventured all the way from the Netherlands to spend a couple weeks in the States. Already today while at a stop during our travels, we saw a man stretching awkwardly against a table. "Is that normal?" she asked. I assured her that the disturbing sight was not usually seen.

* It is the nice boy's re-birthday today! July 13th marks the day he took another step in following Jesus. It gives me chills just thinking about it. Baptism does that to you. I find that that last few years I've seen re-birthdays as so precious, and I'm so glad that Matt has one.

* My camera is currently in the hands of Canon-men/women. You may have been there when this occurred. Last time I saw my baby a few weeks ago, she was still broken. Thankfully, my grandpa is a good camera-sharer. My mom has a cute, bitty camera I can use until they replace my girl's circuit board and send it to my house. Hopefully, she will be healed and our parting will be over soon.

* My can't-stay-still family is on the road traveling once more, slowly making our way back to our beloved home. Pray for us, please, that we would remain safe. (By that I mean from other vehicles and from each other. For frequent travelers small spaces still make us cranky. (: )

(photo from

1 comment:

megan haug said...

haha... i love the part w/ the man stretching!!